1. Fahlman S. E. Faster-learning variations of back-propagation: an empirical study. In Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist Models Summer School, D.Touretzky, G.Hinton and T.Sejnowski (Eds), Morgan Kaufmann 1989.
2. Gerrits M. and Hogeweg P. A Genetic Algorithm application on the search for minimal mutation phyletic trees, an NP-complete problem. This volume.
3. Grefenstette J.J and Fitzpatrick J.M. Genetic search with approximate function evaluations. Proceedings of an International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 1985.
4. Hancock P.J.B. and Smith L.S. Data representation and net structure for object perception. Proceedings of Neuro-Nimes 89. Herault J (Ed).
5. Hancock P.J.B. GANNET: Design of a neural net for face recognition by Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks and Simulated Annealing applied to problems in signal and image processing, Glasgow, May 1990. Also TR-CCCN-6, Dept of Computing Science, University of Stirling.