Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference76 articles.
1. E. ARBARELLO-M. CORNALBA: Su una congettura di Petri. Comment. Math. Helvetici 56 (1981) 1–38.
2. E. ARBARELLO-M. CORNALBA-P. GRIFFITHS-J. HARRIS: Topics in Algebraic Curve Theory.
3. M. ARTIN: Versal deformations and algebraic stacks. Invent. Math. 27 (1974) 165–189.
4. E. BALLICO-Ph. ELLIA: Beyond the maximal rank conjecture for curves in ℙ3. Dans ce volume.
5. E. BALLICO-A. HEFEZ: On the Galois group associated to generically etale morphisms. Preprint
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4 articles.