Development and Implementation of a Preventive Intervention for Youth with Concerns About Their Sexual Thoughts and Behaviors: A Practitioner Narrative


Bright MelissaORCID,Gordon Brittany,Bodi Csenge,Ortega Diana,Coleman Jennifer


AbstractThis practitioner narrative describes the development of an innovative, primary and secondary prevention resource to provide confidential resources to youth with questions about potentially problematic sexual interests and behaviors. WhatsOK is a website and free confidential helpline for youth who are potentially at risk to sexually harm or have harmed someone in the past. By encouraging self-efficacy, helpline counselors respond to these inquires in order to prevent harmful events or lessen the impact. This practitioner narrative begins with an explanation of the planning process, then describes the implementation, piloting and refining the resource, and, finally, explains how evaluation was incorporated. The development of the WhatsOK helpline services was conducted with the goal of creating an evidence-informed resource for youth with concerns about sexual thoughts and behaviors.


World Childhood Foundation


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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