1. See, for example, the treatment of Galton in RobertC. Olby, Origins of Mendelism (London, 1966) pp. 70?83; L. C. Dunn, A Short History of Genetics (New York, 1965) pp. 37?39; Eric Nordenskjold, History of Biology (New York, 1929) pp. 585?587. Karl Pearson's monumental study, The Life, Letters and Labours of Sir Francis Galton, 3 vols. in 4 (Cambridge, 1914?1930) is useful for information but not for critical judgments.
2. The Oxford English Dictionary gives 1863 (Spencer's Principles of Biology) as the earliest date for ?heredity? used in a biological sense. The second date is 1869 (Galton's Hereditary Genius).
3. Memories of My Life (1908), p. 288.
4. Darwin, Variations in Animals and Plants Under Domestication, 2 vols. (London, 1868), II, chaps. 12, 13, 14, 27.
5. Darwin made this distinction in Variations, II, 29?36.