1. R. M. Karp,A Note on the Application of Graph Theory to Digital Computer Programming, Information and Control, Vol. 3, June 1960, pp. 179–180.
2. D. F. Martin and G. Estrin,Models of computations and systems evaluation of vertex probabilities in graph models of computations, J. ACM., Vol. 14, April 1967, pp. 281–299.
3. D. C. Cooper,Reduction of programs to a standard form by graph transformations, Theory of Graphs, International Symposium, Rome, July 1966, Gordon & Breach (publ. New York) Dunod (publ. Paris), 1967.
4. D. C. Cooper,Some transformations and standard forms of graphs with applications to computer programs, Machine Intelligence, Vol. 2, (Ed. Michie, D.) Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1968.
5. M. S. Paterson,Program Schemata, Machine Intelligence, (Ed. Michie, D.), Vol. 3, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1958, pp. 19–31.