1. Merchant, D. J., R. H. Kahn, and W. H. Murphey. 1964.Handbook of Cell and Organ Culture. 2nd ed. Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis.
2. Parker, R. C. 1961.Methods of Tissue Culture. 3rd ed. Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. New York.
3. Paul, J. 1965.Cell and Tissue Culture. 2rd ed. E. and S. Livingstone, Ltd, Edinburgh.
4. White, P. R. 1963.The Cultivation of Animal and Plant Cells. 2nd ed. The Ronald Press, Co., New York.
5. Willmer, E. N. (Ed.). 1965.Cells and Tissues in Culture: Methods, Biology and Physiology. Academic Press, New York.