1. ACTS Agent Cluster: “http://www.fokus.gmd.de/ima/miami/public/service/agent_cluster”
2. M. Breugst, I. Busse, S. Covaci, T. Magedanz: “GRASSHOPPER — A Mobile Agent Platform for IN Based Service Environments”, IEEE IN Workshop, Bordeaux, France, May 10–13, 1998
3. OMG: The common object request broker: Architecture and specification. Technical report, Revision 2.0, July 1995
4. S. Krause, T. Magedanz: “Mobile Service Agents enabling “Intelligence on Demand” in Telecommunications”, Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, pp.78–85, ISBN: 0-7803-3336-5, IEEE Press, 1996
5. Crystaliz Inc, General Magic Inc, GMD FOKUS, IBM, TOG: OMG Joint Submission “Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facility”, November 1997, available through ftp://ftp.omg.org/pub/docs/orbos/97-10-05.pdf