1. V. I. Tatarskii, The Theory of Fluctuations in the Propagation of Waves through a Turbulent Atmosphere [in Russian], Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1959.
2. V. I. Tatarskii and L. N. Zhukova, DAN SSSR, 124, 567, 1959.
3. L. N. Zhukova, Notes on Star Scintillations [in Russian], izd-vo AN SSSR, Moscow, p. 113, 1950.
4. A. M. Ellison and H. Seddon, Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 112, 73, 1952.
5. O. A. Mel'nikov, I. G. Kucherov and N. I. Kolchinskii, Notes on Star Scintillations [in Russian], izd-vo AS SSSR, Moscow, 1959.