1. L. BOZÓKY, The onset of the application of artificial radioisotopes in Hungary. Izotóptechnika, 22 (1979) 235 (in Hungarian).
2. L. BOZÓKY, D. VÖDRÖS, Measurement of the amount of metal produced in alimunium smelters. KFKI Közlemények, 6 (1958) 285 (in Hungarian).
3. E. BUJDOSÓ, The Radioisotope Laboratory of the Institute for Non-Ferrous Metals Energia és Atomtechnika, 12 (1960) 573 (in Hungarian).
4. B. BALLA, Tracer studies in the Hungarian chemical industry. Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 28 (1973) 73 (in Hungarian).
5. G. FÖLDIÁK (Ed.), Industrial application of isotopes. Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1972. Ch. 3. 4 (in Hungarian).