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3. P.G. Cotter and J.A. Kohn, “Industrial Diamond Substitutes: I, Physical and X-Ray Study of Hafnium Carbide,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc, 37(9), 415–420 (1954). (Experimental)
4. F. Benesovsky and E. Rudy, “Contribution to the Systems Zirconium-Carbon and Hafnium-Carbon,” Planseeber. Pulvermetall., 8(2), 66–71 (1960) in German. (Experimental)
5. D.S. Neel, C.D. Pears, and S. Oglesby Jr., Tech. Rep. WADD-TR-60-924, Wright Air Development Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH (1960). (Experimental)