1. W. Klemm, H. Sodomann, and P. Langmesser, “Alkali Metal Chalcogenides,” Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 241, 281–304 (1939) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
2. A.N. Kuznetsov, K.A. Chuntonov, and S.P. Yatsenko, “Rb-Te Phase Diagram,” Abstracts of Papers, Fifth All-Union Conference on the Chemistry and Technology of the Less-Common Alkali Elements, Izd. Nauka, Moscow, 122 (1977) in Russian. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
3. S.P. Yatsenko, A.N. Kuznetsov, and K.A. Chuntonov, “Phase Equilibriain the Se-Rb System,” Izv.Akad. Nauk SSSR.Neorg. Mater., 13(4), 738–739 (1977) in Russian; TR: Inorganic Mater., 13(4), 602–603 (1977). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
4. K.A. Chuntonov and S.P. Yatsenko, “Immiscibility in Binary Melts of Rb with p-Elements,” Zh. Fiz. Khim., 52(9), 2145–2154 (1978) in Russian; TR: Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 52(9), 1241–1247 (1978). (Review; #)
5. P. Böttcher, “Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Rb2Te3 and Cs2Te3,” J. Less-Common Met., 70(2), 263–271 (1980). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)