1. G. Alefeld and W. Hertsberg, Introduction to Interval Computations [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1987).
2. Yu. I. Shokin, Interval Analysis [in Russian], Nauka, Novosibirsk (1981).
3. S. A. Kalmykov, Yu. I. Shokin, and Z. Kh. Yuldashev, Methods of Interval Analysis [in Russian], Nauka, Novosibirsk (1986).
4. V. I. Levin, Structurally Logical Methods for Complex Systems with Computers [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1987).
5. V. I. Levin, Abstracts of the Twelfth All-Union Symposium on Logical Control Using Computers [in Russian], Moscow (1989), p. 20.