1. Åslund, Anders and Richard Layard (eds.) (1993),Changing the Economic System in Russia, London, Pinter Publishers.
2. Blanchard, O., Boycko, M., Dąbrowski, M., Dornbusch, R., Layard, R. and Andrei Shleifer (1993),Post-Communist Reform Pain and Progress, The MIT Press.
3. Boycko, Maxim and Andrei Shleifer (1993),Mass Privatization in Russia: A Progress Report, paper presented at the Conference on the Economic Transformation in Russia, Stockholm School of Economics, 14–15 June.
4. Čubajs, Anatoli and Maria Višnevskaja (1993),Privatization in Russia: Mid-1993, paper presented at the Conference on the Economic Transformation in Russia, Stockholm School of Economics, 14–15 June.
5. Dąbrowski, Marek (1993), ‘From Soviet Ruble To National Rubles And Independent Currencies: Evolution of the ruble area in 1991–1993’, paper prepared for The Third Trento Workshop on Integration and Disintegration in European Economies: Divergent or Convergent Processes?, Trento, 4–5 March.