Distribution-free confidence bounds forP(X


Govindarajulu Zakkula


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Statistics and Probability

Reference15 articles.

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1. Comparison of profile-likelihood-based confidence intervals with other rank-based methods for the two-sample problem in ordered categorical data;Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics;2022-12-19

2. Distribution-free three- sample test for detecting trend in the pure location model;Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation;2020-03-18

3. Inferences on Non-Identical Stress and Generalized Augmented Strength Reliability Parameters Under Informative Priors;International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering;2020-02-11

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5. On estimation of $$P\left( X > Y \right) $$PX>Y based on judgement post stratification;Statistical Papers;2017-11-01








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