1. S. Ikeda, “Asymptotic equivalence of probability distributions with applications to some problems of asymptotic independence,”Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 15 (1963), 87–116.
2. S. Ikeda, “On certain types of asymptotic equivalence of real probability distributions, I. Definitions and some of their properties,”UNC Inst. Statist. Mimeo Series, 455, 1965.
3. S. Ikeda, “On certain types of asymptotic equivalence of real probability distributions, II. Further results on the properties of type (S) asymptotic equivalence in the case of equal basic spaces,”UNC Inst. Statist. Mimeo Series, 465, 1966.
4. S. Ikeda, “On certain types of asymptotic equivalence of real probability distributions, III. Further notions of asymptotic equivalence in the case of equal basic spaces and a relation between type (S) convergence and in law convergence,”UNC Inst. Statist. Mimeo Series, 470, 1966.
5. S. Ikeda, “Asymptotic equivalence of real probability distributions,”UNC Inst. Statist. Mimeo Series, 522, 1967.