1. E. J. Danielewicz, R. D. Reel, and D. T. Hodges, ?New Far-Infrared cw Optically Pumped CIS-C2H2F2 Laser,? IEEE J. Quantum Electron., QE-16, p. 402 (1980).
2. E. J. Danielewicz, ?Molecular Parameters Determining the Performance of cw Optically Pumped FIR Lasers,? Digest of 4th Int. Conf. on Inf. and MM. Waves/Applic., Miami, F1., Dec 10?15, 1979, IEEE Cat. No. 79 CH 138-7 MTT.
3. E. Vasconcewllos, F. R. Petersen, and K. M. Evenson, ?New CW FIR Laser Lines Obtained by Optically Pumping CD2F2,? Topical Meeting on Infrared Lasers December 3?5, 1980, University of Southern California.
4. M. S. Tobin and R. D. Felock, ?Fluoroform-d Optically Pumped Submillimeter-wave Laser,? Optics Letters 5, 430 (1980).
5. A. R. Calloway and E. J. Danielewicz, ?Far Infrared Optically Pumped SO2 Laser,? IEEE J. Quant. Elec. Accepted for publication May (1981).