Getting to the root of the problem: new evidence for the use of plant root foods in Mesolithic hunter-gatherer subsistence in Europe


Bishop Rosie R.ORCID,Kubiak-Martens LucyORCID,Warren Graeme M.ORCID,Church Mike J.ORCID


AbstractThis paper presents new evidence for the harvesting of edible plant roots and tubers at Northton, a Mesolithic hunter-gatherer site on Harris, in the Western Isles of Scotland, in the north-west corner of Europe. The excavations uncovered abundant root tuber remains of Ficaria verna Huds. (lesser celandine), an excellent high energy and carbohydrate-rich food source, and produced the first evidence for the use of tubers of Lathyrus linifolius (Reichard) Bässler (bitter-vetch) at a hunter-gatherer site in Europe. Here we report on the analysis of the charred root and tuber remains and other charred plant macrofossils from the site and consider the significance of these results within the wider context of European hunter-gatherer subsistence. The wide range of root and tuber taxa recovered from European hunter-gatherer sites and the importance of appropriate sampling on hunter-gatherer sites are highlighted.


Arts and Humanities Research Council

Irish Research Council

University College Dublin

US National Science Foundation

Hunter Trust

Historic Environment Scotland

Durham University

University Of Stavanger


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Paleontology,Plant Science,Archeology

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