Caractérisation de la porosité avec la technique d’imagerie médicale CT-scan de deux aquifères paléokarstiques profondément enfouis situés dans les carbonates du Silurien, sud Ontario, Canada


Carter Terry R.ORCID,Larmagnat Stéphanie,Sun Shuo,Letellier Philippe,Russell Hazen A.J.


AbstractPaleokarst and paleokarst aquifers are not as well-documented as shallow karst, and studies of pores and pore networks are rare. Paleokarst lacks the open conduits typical of karst due to compaction, infilling, and diagenetic recrystallization by deep burial, so groundwater movement is through matrix porosity. In this case study, porosity networks in two saline aquifers in carbonate paleokarst of the Silurian Guelph Formation and Salina A-1 Carbonate Unit in southern Ontario (Canada) have been studied in drill cores at microscopic to macroscopic scales, utilizing medical computed tomography (CT) scans, optical petrography, macroscopic core examination, and scanning electron microscopy. The CT scans provided nondestructive three-dimensional visualization and quantification of pore distribution, size and volume, pore connections, and estimates of total porosity, similar to gas porosimetry. In the A-1 Carbonate, 50% of the pore volume comprises layers of macropores associated with algal laminations, with good horizontal connections. In the Guelph Formation, vuggy macropores contribute most of the pore volume. They are connected through subvertical fractures and rubble-filled karst conduits and by abundant small pores and micropores with poor horizontal connections. The Guelph paleokarst represents a longer period of subaerial exposure as evidenced by its greater thickness and geographic extent, former karst conduits, and near-total destruction of primary sedimentary fabrics. The findings provide real-world examples for construction of laboratory scale models of paleokarst aquifers, demonstrate the value of a multi-scale approach to porosity studies, and showcase the value of medical CT scans with its unique ability to visualize pore connections within drill cores.


Nuclear Waste Management Organization

Natural Resources Canada


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Water Science and Technology

Reference50 articles.







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