1. Braithwaite F (1855) On the filtration of salt-water into the springs and wells under London and Liverpool. Min Proc Inst Civil Eng 14:507–523
2. Carlston CW (1963) An early American statement of the Badon Ghyben-Herzberg principle of static fresh-water–salt-water balance. Am J Sci 261:88–91
3. d’Andrimont R (1903a) Notes sur l’hydrologie du littoral belge [Notes on the hydrology of the Belgium coast]. Annal Soc géol Belgique Mém XXIX:M129–M144
4. d’Andrimont R (1903b) Contribution à l’etude de l’hydrologie du littoral belge [A contribution to the study of the hydrology of the Belgian coast]. Annal Soc géol Belgique Mém XXX:M1–M43
5. d’Andrimont R (1904) Note complementaire a l’etude hydrologique du littoral belge [Additional note on the study of the hydrology of the Belgian coast]. Annal Soc géol Belgique Mém XXXI:M167–M183