1. W.S. Cebulak, “Program to Develop High Strength Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Products,” U.S. Army Frankford Arsenal, Quarterly Report, Contract DAAA2 5-72-C0593, May-June 1973.
2. Air Force Materials Laboratory, Technical Report, AFML-TR-76-60;WL Otto Jr.,1976
3. Air Force Materials Laboratory, Technical Report, AFML-TR-79-4131;RE Sanders Jr.,1979
4. F.H. Froes and J.R. Pickens, “Powder Metallurgy of Light Metals Alloys for Demanding Applications,” J. Metals, 36 (1) (1984), pp. 14–28.
5. Semi-Annual Report, AFML Contract No. F33615-77-C-5086;RR Sawtell,1978