1. J. DeNoyer,The Effect of Variations in Layer Thickness on Love Waves, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.51 (1961), 227.
2. S. Homma,Love Waves in a Surface Layer of Varying Thickness, Geophys. Mag.24 (1952), 9.
3. M. Paul,The Propagation of Surface Waves in Elastic Mediums with Slightly Curved Boundaries of Sinusoidal Type, Pure and Appl. Geophys.62 (1965), 105.
4. R. Sato,Love Waves in Case the Surface Layer is Variable in Thickness, Jour. Phys. Earth9 (1961), 19.
5. T. Takahashi,Transmission of Love Waves in a Half-Space with a Surface Layer whose Thickness Varies Hyperbolically, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am.54 (1964), 611.