1. J.L. Morning, “Chromium,” Mineral Commodity Summaries 1979, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1979, pp. 34–35.
2. R.A. Gustison, “High Temperature Metals,” J. Metals, 28(3) (1976) p. 21.
3. National Materials Advisory Board, “Contingency Plans for Chromium Utilization,” National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1978.
4. R.H. Nafziger et al., “Carbothermic Reduction of Domestic Chromites,” Met. Trans., 10B (1979) pp. 5–14.
5. G.A. Kingston et al., “Availability of U.S. Chromium Resources,” U.S. Bureau of Mines I.C. 8465, 1970.