1. Cf. A. Gutowski: Foreign Indebtedness and Economic Growth: Is there a Limit to Foreign Financing? Paper presented at the Conference of the International Economic Association on Financing Problems of Developing Countries, Buenos Aires, October 1981.
2. Cf. on this point, M. Holtus: Verschuldung und Verschuldungsfähigkeit von Entwicklungsländern (Indebtedness and the Borrowing Capacity of Developing Countries), in: Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik, Vol. 26 (1981), p. 239–255.
3. Cf. P. Desai: The Productivity of Foreign Resource Inflow to the Soviet Economy, in: American Economic Review, Vol. 69, No. 2, May 1979, p. 70 ff.
4. Cf. Private Development Corporation of the Philippines, Economical Statistical Series, Vol. V, No. 5, October 1981.
5. Cf. Charles P. Kindleberger: Debt Situation of the Developing Countries in Historical Perspective (1800–1945), in: Außenwirtschaft, Vol. 36 (1981), No. IV, p. 372–380.