1. Budde T, Hahn M, Foehse M, Edler J, Stölting H-D, Gatzen HH (2004) Design, fabrication, and characterization of a hybrid linear step motor. In: Conference proceedings, Actuator 2004, Bremen, Germany, p 665
2. Foehse M, Gatzen HH (2002) Optimizing the magnetic properties of electroplated permalloy for flux guides in micromotors. In: Proceedings of 7th international symposium on magnetic materials, processes and devices, 202nd meeting of the electrochemical society, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, p 125
3. Föhse M, Edler J, Stölting H-D, Gatzen HH (2003) A batch fabricated linear synchronous motor. In: Proceedings of international mechanical engineering congress and exhibition, IMECE2003-41388, Washington, DC, USA
4. Gatzen HH, Morsbach C, Karyazin A (2002) High precision machining of a longitudinal bearing for a linear microactuator. In: Proceedings of 3rd international euspen conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, p 325
5. Gatzen HH, Stölting H-D, Ponick B (2004) Alternatives for micro-machined linear actuators. In: Conference proceedings, Actuator 2004, Bremen, Germany, p 317