1. Cheng, D. C.-H. in: Proc. Symp. Phys. Props Liquids and Gases for Plant and Process Design, East Kilbride, 1968. Edinburgh: HMSO, 1970, p. C 48.
2. Sutton, H. M., WSL Res. Rept No. LR 148 (MH), 1971.
3. Taylor, D. W. Fundamentals of soil mechanics. Wiley & Sons, New York 1948; BS 1377: 1967; ASTM D 423-66.
4. BS 890: 1972. Specification for building limes; BS 1881: Part 2: 1970. Methods of testing fresh concrete; BS 4551: 1970. Methods of testing Mortars.
5. Green, P. V., T. H. Hughes Trans. Instn. Min. Metall. (Sect. A),86, A 150 (1977).