1. E. Bertino, S. Gibbs, F. Rabitti, C. Thanos-The design of a multimedia office filing system-Appeared in “Rivista d'informalica”, n. 3, 1987
2. T.Bienz, R. Cohn-Portable Document Format Reference Manual-Edited by Adobe Systems Incorporated-Published by Addison Wesley, 1993
3. S. Christodoulakis, J. Vanderbroek. J. Li, T. Li, S. Wan, Y. Wang, M. P. Papa and E. Bertino-Development of a Multimedia Information System for an Office Environment-Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on “Very Large Data Bases”, Singapore, August 1984
4. S. Christodoulakis, M. Theodoridou, F. Ho, M. P. Papa and A. Pathria-Multimedia Document Presentation, Information Extraction, and Document Formation in MINOS: A Model and a System-Appeared in “ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems”, Vol. 4. No. 4. October 1986
5. P. Conti and F. Rabitti-Image Retrieval by Semantic Content-Appeared in “Multimedia Office Filing The Multos Approach” published by North-Holland Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo 1990