1. Shah, R. C., and Tiffany, C. P., “Examples of the Use of Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics Technology to Solve Specific Aerospace Problems,” to be published in Proc. of Engineering Applications of Fracture Mechanics Technology, ASME 91st Winter Annual Meeting (November 1970).
2. Bluhm, J. I., “Fracture Arrest,” Fracture—An Advanced Treatise, H. Liebowitz (editor),5,1–63, Academic Press (1969).
3. Irwin, G. R., “Basic Concepts for Dynamic Fracture Testing,”J. of Basic Engineering, Trans., ASME,91 (3),Series D.,519–524 (Dec. 1969).
4. Kanninan, M. F., “An Augmented Double Cantilever Beam Model for Studying Crack Propagation and Arrest,” Battelle Memorial Inst. Rept. (Sept. 1970).
5. Bradley, W. B., andKobayashi, A. S., “An Investigation of Propagating Cracks by Dynamic Photoelasticity,”Experimental Mechanics,10 (3),106–113 (March 1970).