1. Fisher, R. H., and Imura, T. (1978),Ultramicrosc. 3, 3.
2. Parsons, D. F., and Ratkowski, A. J. (1979),Proc. 37th Ann. Meet. Electron Microsc. Soc. Amer. San Antonio August 1979 (Bailey, G. W. ed.), Claitor's Publ. Div., Baton Rouge, pp. 582–583. (See also, Parsons, D. F., and Ratkowski, A. J. (1980).Ultramicrosc. 5, in press.
3. Fisher, R. M. (1969),1st National Conference on Current Developments in High-Voltage Electron Microscopy, June 1969, U.S. Steel Corp., Monroeville, Pa., USA,Micron 1, 220.
4. Stockholm (1971)Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on High-Voltage Electron Microscopy. April 1971, Royal Institute Technology, Stockholm,Jernkont. Ann. 155 391.
5. Swann, P. R., Humphreys, C. J., and Goringe, M. G. (1974),Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High-Voltage Electron Microscopy, Oxford, August 1973. Academic Press, London and New York.