1. N. N. Bogolyubov, Problems of Dynamical Theory in Statistical Physics [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1946); see also: N. N. Bogolyubov, Selected Works [in Russian], Vol. 2, Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1970), pp. 99–196.
2. C. Cercignani, “The Grad limit for a system of soft spheres,” Commun. Pure Appl. Math., 36, 479–494 (1983).
3. O. E. Lanford, “Time evolution of large classical systems,” Lect. Notes Phys., 38 (1975).
4. V. I. Gerasimenko and D. Ya. Petrina, “Existence of the Boltzmann-Grad limit for infinite systems of hard spheres,” Teor. Mat. Fiz., 83, 92–114 (1990).
5. D. Ya. Petrina and V. I. Gerasimenko, “Mathematical problems of statistical mechanics of hard-sphere-particle systems,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 45, 192–214 (1990).