1. Kino, Sci. Papers Inst. phys. chem. res. (Tokyo)15, 127–9, 130–136 (1931);16, 127–32, 133–5 (1931);18, 77–82 (1932);20 103–8 (1933);21, 63–8 (1933);24, 25–32, 218–25 (1934);26, 91–7 (1935);28, 140–5 (1935),29, 31–6 (1936).
2. Kappelmeier, Faben-Ztg.38, 1018–20, 1077–9 (1933).
3. Steger and van Loon, Rec. trav. chim.53, 769–78 (1934).
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5. Bradley and Johnston, Ind. Eng. Chem.32, 802–9 (1940).