1. M. DRAJEV, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics, Dresden, 1980. Vol. II (ZFK-433, Rossendorf, 1981) pp. 267–272.
2. B. COSTA, U. ROSSI and F. TOSCO,CSELT — Rapporti Technici 10 (1982) 193.
3. M. BOUILLE,L'onde Électrique 61 (1981) 54.
4. B. Costa, H. Puleo and E. Vezzoni, Proceedings of the 10th ECOC, Stuttgart, 1984, pp. 72–73.
5. W. Stewart and D. Reid, Proceedings of the 8th ECOC, Cannes, 1982, pp. 193–195.