1. P. Bonifazi, V. Ferrari, S. Frasca, G. V. Pallottino andG. Pizzella:Nuovo Cimento C,1, 465 (1978).
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3. R. Ruffini andJ. A. Wheeler:Proceedings of the ESRO Colloquium (Interlaken, Switzerland, 1969);A. Degasperis:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,17, 36 (1976).
4. J. A. Tyson:Phys. Rev. Lett.,31, 326 (1973).
5. P. Bonifazi, E. Amaldi, G. V. Pallottino andG. Pizzella:Coincidences among the Louisiana, Stanford and Rome cryogenic gravitational wave antennas, inInternational Symposium on Experimental Gravitational Physics, Guangzhou, China, August 1987.