1. Anonym (nd): The Ramsar Convention. Gland.
2. Andersen, D.E., Rongstad, O.J. & Mytton, W.R. (1985): Line transect analysis of raptor abundance along roads. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 13: 533–539.
3. Becker, P. (1974): Beobachtungen an paläarktischen Zugvögeln in ihrem Winterquartier Südwestafrika. Wissenschaftliche Forschung in S.W.A., 12.
4. Benson, C.W., Brooke, R.K., Dowsett, R.J. &. Irwin, M.P.S (1971): The birds of Zambia. London.
5. Clancey, P.A. (1971): A Handlist of the birds of southern Mozambique. Lourenço Marques.