1. Gershon, M.E. (1983)Optimal Drillhole Location Using Geostatistics, SME-AIME, Atlanta.
2. Kim, Y.C., Martino, F. and Chopra, I.K. (1981)Application of Geostatistics in a Coal Deposit, Mining Engineering, October.
3. Kim, Y.C., Myers, D.E. and Kundson, H.P. (1977)Advanced Geostatistics in Ore Reserve Estimation and Mine Planning, US Department of Energy, October.
4. Knudson, M.P. and Kim, Y.C. (1978)A Short Course on Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation, University of Arizona, Tucson.
5. Luenberger, D.G. (1973)Introduction to Linear and Non-Linear Programming, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, Reading, Massachusetts.