1. Bucur, I., Deleanu, A.: Introduction to the theory of categories and functors. A. Wiley, Interscience Publications. London-New York-Sydney: John Wiley and Sons LTD, 1968
2. Drinfeld, V.G.: Quantum groups. Proceedings ICM (1986)
3. Ghez, P., Lima, R., Roberts, J.E.:W *-categories. Preprint CPT CNRS Marseille; see also Ghez, P.: A survey ofW *-categories, Operator algebra and applications, Part 2 (Kingston Ont. 1980). Symp. Pure Math.38, 137 (1982)
4. Goodman, F.M., Harpe, P., de la, Jones, V.F.R.: Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams and towers of algebras, chapter 2. Preprint IHES/M. 87/6
5. Wenzl, H.: Representations of Hecke algebras and subfactors. Thesis Univ. of Pennsylvania 1985