1. P. Eisenberger, ed., Basic Research Needs for Vehicles of the Future (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Materials Institute, 1995), pp. 19–25.
2. M.C. Noland, “Designing For the High-Velocity Metal-working Processes,” Machine Design, 39 (August 17,1967), pp. 163–182.
3. Frank W. Wilson, ed., American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers: High Velocity Forming of Metals (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1964).
4. R. Davies and E.R. Austin, Developments in High Speed Metal Forming, American edition (New York: Industrial Press Inc., 1970).
5. R.W. Curver, “Explosive Fabrication,” High Velocity Forming of Metals, F. W. Wilson, ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc., 1964), pp. 39–76.