1. I. R. Yukhnovskii and Yu. K. Rudavskii, Ukr. Fiz. Zh.,22, 50 (1977); I. R. Yukhnovskii, Ukr. Fiz. Zh.,22, 325, 484 (1977).
2. I. R. Yukhnovsky, ?On general theory of second order phase transition,? Preprint ITP-83-6E [in English], Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kiev (1983).
3. I. R. Yukhnovskii, Teor. Mat. Fiz.,36, 373 (1978).
4. I. R. Yukhnovsky, I. A. Vakarchuk, and Yu. K. Rudavsky, ?n-component model. Functional representation and differential form of equations of renormalization group,? Preprint ITP-79-20E [in English], Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kiev (1979).
5. Yu. V. Kozitskii and I. R. Yukhnovskii, Teor. Mat. Fiz.,51, 268 (1982).