1. Bromberg, S. W., Bennett, B. I., Lampe, R. L.: Summary of audit performance measurement of SO2, NO2, CO, sulfate, nitrate, 1976. EPA 600/4-78-004, January 1978
2. Special Technical Publication;J. B. Clements,1976
3. Cropper, W. B.: Project threshold — proven measurement technology. Proc. American Society for Testing and Materials,74, 323–351 (1974)
4. Federal Register, 41 FR 44049, October 6, 1976. See also: Flamm, D. L.: Analysis of ozone at low concentrations with boric acid buffered potassium iodide. Environ. Sci. Techn.11, 978 (1978); Hodgeson, J. A. et al.: Methodology for standardization of atmospheric ozone measurement. In: International Conference on Photochemical Oxidant Pollution and its Control, Proceedings, Vol. 1. EPA-600/3-77-001a, January 1977. NTIS PB 264–232
5. Harrison, J. W., Timmons, M. L., Denyszyn, R. B., Deckers, C. E.: Evaluation of the EPA reference method for the measurement of non-methane hydrocarbons-final report. EPA-600/4-77-033, June 1977. NTIS PB 278–296