1. Aumann, R. J., and L. S.Shapley: Values of Non-Atomic Games, Part I: The Axiomatic Approach. The Rand Corporation, RM-5468-PR, November 1968, also Research Program in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics, Department of Mathematics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, RM 42, December 1968.
2. —: Values of Non-Atomic Games, Part II: The Random Order Approach. The Rand Corporation, RM-5842-PR, July 1969.
3. Lyapunov, A.: Sur les fonctions — vecteurs complement additives, Bull. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. Ser. Math.4, 465–478, 1940.
4. Milnor, J. W., and L. S.Shapley: Values of Large Games, II: Oceanic Games. The Rand Corporation, RM-2649, February 1961.
5. Shapley, L. S.: A Value forn-Person Games, in: Contributions to the Theory of Games, II, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 307–317, 1953.