1. Alexander, B.L’enseignement des langues modernes au Méxique tenant particulièrement compte des cours par télevision. Working paper of the First International Colloquy on Audio-Visual Aids and the Teaching of Languages. Antwerp: IAVTC, April 1963.
2. Bauer, Eric W.Achievement in Learning a Foreign Language Through Comparison of Classes Taught with or Without Audio Aids. Greencastle, Ind.: DePauw University, 1959. 95 pp.
3. -.“A Study of the Effectiveness of Two Language Laboratory Conditions in the Teaching of Second Year German.”International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. Article in press.
4. —.An Exploratory Investigation of Sensory Image Types in Foreign Language Learning. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1962. (Mimeo.)
5. —.Structural Linguistics, Programed Learning and Language Laboratory Techniques. Address given at the First International Colloquy on Audio-Visual Aids and the Teaching of Languages. Antwerp: IAVTC, April 1963.