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2. Agbo S.A. (2002) Unstated features of cultural deprivation or discontinuity: Culture standards for administrators and teachers of Aboriginal students. EAF—The Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 16(2): 10–36
3. Agbo S.A. (2002) Decentralization of First Nations education in Canada: Perspectives on ideals and realities of Indian control of Indian education. Interchange 33(3): 281–302
4. Agbo S.A. (2004) Book review: Friesen, J.W. & Friesen, V.L. (2002) Aboriginal education in Canada: A plea for integration. Calgary, AB: Detselig. Journal of Educational Thought 38(3): 323–328
5. Agbo S.A. (2005) Perspectives on local control of education with a future orientation: A view from First Nations. Journal of Educational Thought, 39(3): 287–321