1. F.N. Rhines,Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, New York, 340p(1956).
2. L.H. Beck and C.S. Smith, “Copper-Zinc Constitution Diagram, Redetermined in the Vicinity of the Beta Phase by Means of Quantita- tive Metallography,”Trans. AIME, 194(10), 1079–1083 (1957).
3. M. Hansen and K. Anderko,Constitution of Binary Alloys, originally published by McGraw-Hill, reprinted and available from Genium Publishing Corporation, 1145 Catalyn Street, Schenectady, New York 12303 (1958).
4. R.P. Elliot,Constitution of Binary Alloys, First Supplement, originally published by McGraw-Hill, reprinted and available from Genium Publishing Corporation, 1145 Catalyn Street, Schenectady, New York 12303 (1965).
5. A. Prince,Alloy Phase Equilibria, Elsevier Publ. Co., London (1966).