1. Anonymus: Collapse and the Reconditioning of Collapsed Timber. C.S.I.R. (Aust.) Div. For Prod., Trade Circular No. 20 (1942).
2. Anonymus: Discoverer of Reconditioning Process Passes Away. The Aust. Timber J. Bd.19 (1953) S. 645/646.
3. Anonymus: Ann. Report 1957/58. C.S.I.R.O. (Aust.) Div. For. Prod., S. 19.
4. Amos, G. J.: Radial Fissures in the Early Wood of Conifers, Aust. J. Bot. Bd.2 (1954) S. 22/34.
5. Armstrong, L. D., u. R. S. T. Kingston: Effect of Moisture Changes on Creep in Wood. Nature Bd.185 (1960) S. 862/863.