1. Works of Dostoevsky cited by volume and pages refer to Dostoevsky’s collected works; Polnoe sobrlanie sochinenli v tridtsati tomnakh, Leningrad, 1972–1990 (Cited as PSSvolume:page).
2. Works of Kierkegaard cited by volume and pages refer to Kierkegaard’s collected works; Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter, Copenhagen, 1997—Continuing. (Cited as SKSvolume:page).
3. Dostoevsky, F. (1912). Brothers Karamazov. Garnett trans., London: William Heinemann.
4. Dostoevsky, F. (1913). Idiot. Garnet trans., William Heinemann, London.
5. Dostoevsky, F. (1972). Devils, Magarshack trans., London: Penguin.