1. Cheng, G., Fox, G.C., and Hawick, K.A., A Scalable Paradigm for Effectively-Dense Matrix Formulated Applications. Proc. High-Performance Computing and Networking, April 1994, Volume II, PP202–210.
2. Fox, G.C., Bogucz, E., Jones, D.A., Mills, K., Podgorny, M., and Hawick, K.A., “InfoMall: A Scalable Organisation for the Development of High Performance Computing and Communications Software and Systems”, Proc. HPCN 1994, Vol II, PP 137–139.
3. Fox, G.C, Furmanski, W., Hawick, K.A., Leskiw, D.M., “Exploration of the InfoMall Concept”, Report prepared for US Air Force, Rome Laboratory, NPAC Technical Report, SCCS 634, August 1994.
4. http://www.npac.syr.edu/ The Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) Main Web Server.
5. http://www.netlib.org/nse/home.html The National Software Exchange Web Server.