1. Allen, M.P. and D.J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation of Liquids, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
2. Bojan, M.J. and W.A. Steele, Langmuir, 5, 625 (1991).
3. Gregg, S.J. and K.S.W. Sing, Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity, Second Edition Academic Press, London, 1982.
4. Nicholson, D. and N.G. Parsonage, Computer Simulation and the Statistical Mechanics of Adsorption, Academic Press, London, 1982. Norman, G.E. and V.S. Filinov, High Temperature (Teplofizika Vsokikh Temperatur), (translated from the Russian) 7, 216 (1969).
5. Steele, W.A., J. Phys. Chem., 82, 817 (1978). It is known that the difference between the periodic and bulk systems is small if the periodicity length exceeds the pore width. See Swift, M.R., E. Cheng, J.R. Banavar, and M.W. Cole, Phys. Rev., B48, 3124 (1993).