1. N. I. Sharapov, Oil-Bearing Plants and the Oil-Processing Treatment [in Russian], Moscow-Leningrad (1959), p. 351.
2. Flora of Uzbekistan, Vol. 3 [in Russian], Tashkent (1955), p. 201.
3. Flora of Uzbekistan, Vol. 5 [in Russian], Tashkent (1961), p. 416.
4. Handbook on Methods of Investigation, Chemical Control, and the Calculation of Production in the Fats and Oils Industry, Vol. 1, Book 1 [in Russian], Leningrad (1967), p. 240.
5. Handbook on Methods of Investigation, Chemical Control, and the Calculation of Production in the Fats and Oils Industry, Vol. 1, Book 2 [in Russian], Leningrad (1967), p. 938.