1. Costa, J. E., and V. R. Baker. 1981. Surficial geology: Building with the earth. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. 498 pp.
2. Corps of Engineers. 1973. Flood plain information—San Lorenzo River, Felton to Boulder Creek. Corps of Engineers, San Francisco, CA. 23 pp.
3. Corps of Engineers. 1957. General design memorandum—San Lorenzo River flood control project. Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District. San Francisco, CA.
4. Griggs, G. B., and J. A. Gilchrist. 1977. The earth and land use planning. Duxbury Press, North Scituate, MA. 492 pp.
5. Jones-Tillson and Associates and Water Resources Engineers. 1979. San Lorenzo River reconnaissance study. Corps of Engineers, San Francisco, CA. 122 pp.