1. A. Mitchell, Oxide inclusion behaviour during consumable electrode remelting, Ironmaking Steelmaking, 1(1974), No. 3, p. 172.
2. F.R. Carmona, Non-metallic Inclusions in Electroslag Refined Ingots [Dissertation], The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1983, p. 148.
3. Z.B. Li, W.H. Zhou, and Y.D. Li, Mechanism of removal of non-metallic inclusions in the ESR process, Iron Steel, 15(1980), No. 1, p. 20.
4. J. Fu, An investigation of mechanism on the removal of oxide inclusions during ESR process, Acta Metall. Sinica, 15(1979), No. 4, p. 526.
5. M.E. Fraser and A. Mitchell, Mass transfer in the electroslag process: Part 1. Mass-transfer model, Ironmaking Steelmaking, 3(1976), No. 5, p. 279.