1. Achenbach H, Rüter S (2015) Life cycle assessment of pre-fabricated timber houses according to the European state-of-the-art standards. In: Kutnar A (ed) COST Action FP1407 Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach. COST Action FP1407 International Conference, Slovenia 2015
2. Ascona (2016) Ascona GbR LEGEP Bausoftware Version 2.7.638 plus Version Update 11–2015 and 2-2016, Stand Datenbank Nov. 2015, München 2016
3. BBR (2016) Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Referat II 6 Bauen und Umwelt Runder Tisch Ressourceneffizienz im Bauwesen. [Round table for resource efficiency in the building sector]. The author is member of this round table
4. BBSR (2015) Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development: Oekobau.dat database.
(Version 2015)
5. BMEL (2016) Klimaschutz in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie den nachgelagerten Bereichen Ernährung und Holzverwendung—Gutachten der wissenschaftlichen Beiräte für Agrarpolitik, Ernährung und Holzverwendung gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und für Waldpolitik beim BMEL. [Climate change mitigation in agriculture and forestry and in the downstream sectors of food and timber use—Expertise of the Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Health Protection and Scientific Advisory Board on Forest Policy]